Latest News
Start of Term - Tuesday 2nd September
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope this finds you well.
I and all the staff are looking forward to the return of our Priory Learners tomorrow and beginning what promises to be another exciting school year!
Please find below the key times and dates for the rest of this week:
- Tuesday, 3rd September
- First Day of Autumn Term
- Y4, Y5 & Y6 – School gates open at 8:30am with the bell going at 8:40am. (Normal drop off at Green Gates with ALL children into main playground including Y6)
- Y3 - School starts at 9:30am (Children and parents/carers invited into the main playground for welcome by Mr Moses)
School finishes for everyone at 3:30pm.
- Wednesday, 4th September
- ALL children – School gates open at 8:30am with the bell going at 8:40am.
- (Normal drop off at Green Gates with ALL children into main playground including Y6)
- Y3 Parent Information Meeting at 3:45pm in the Gym
- Thursday, 5th September
- Y6 Bonding Day
- Y4 & Y5 Parent Information Meeting at 3:45pm in the Gym
- Friday, 6th September
- Y6 Parent Information Meeting at 3:45pm in the Gym
We look forward to seeing your children ‘Smart from the Start’ and ‘Ready for Learning’. Please click on this link for helpful uniform guidance
Disappointingly, I must share with you that our building has suffered from vandalism over the weekend. This is hugely frustrating, not only operationally as it has impacted our preparations for the start of the year, but also the damage may be what your child sees of Reigate Priory on their way into school tomorrow.
Although actions have been taken to mitigate the damage and its impact, we are playing catch-up on some administrative and operationally tasks, and the fixing of the damage will take some time due to its location in our Monument, Grade 1 listed building – your understanding and patience is appreciated.
Thank you to Steve, our Site Manager, for his help in responding to this unfortunate incident.
Mr Moses