Parental Consent

As part of the Data Collection, which is available to parents who live at the same address as the child, there is the opportunity to provide consent to range of activities that may take place in school:

Consent to Local Area Visits  (‘Global Consent’)

We often take children out into the local area during the school day in connection with their learning and P.E. lessons.   Places visited include Priory Park, Reigate town centre and the Castle Grounds as well as local churches and schools.   

Please note that the relevant risk assessments will always be conducted prior to these visits and children will always be supervised by the requisite number of staff and responsible adults.

When visits are subject to any kind of cost or voluntary contributions, you will be required to provide consent via your child’s WisePay account and informed separately of this.

REQUEST FOR CONSENT: We ask parents/carers to provide consent for local visits throughout their child’s time at the school via Parent App.

If you would like to withdraw consent you may do so at any time via the Parent App.

Photographic Consent - Student

We may take photographs of pupils for educational and school purposes and on occasion these photographs may be displayed on projects boards or in school newsletters.  We may also take class or individual photographs for historical records.

The images that we take of our pupils may also be used to promote the school and could be published on leaflets, in our prospectus or on our website. We will not use your child’s photograph in this way unless we have obtained your written permission.

Occasionally, there are times when our school is visited by the media who will take photographs or film high profile events.  Pupils will often appear in these images, which may be published in local or national newspapers or used on televised programmes.

The school will not use children’s full names alongside photographs in the school’s own newsletter or on our website.  However, pupil’s first names may be used.  

Please note that:

  • We will not use your child’s image for any purpose if it would prejudice the interests of your child.
  • We will only use the minimum amount of personal information about your child in any publication, such as first name, school name and possibly year group, and will never reveal full names without consent (unless appropriate).
  • We will keep your child’s images and personal information secure and will retain them up to a year after your child has left the school, unless we need them for historical or educational purposes.
  • We will not use your child’s image for any reason other than those stated, unless we have a legal obligation or power, or have received consent from you.

If you have any concerns about your child being photographed while at our school, or if you have any queries about how these photographs may be used, please contact the School Office.  

REQUEST FOR CONSENT: We ask parents/carers to confirm via ParentApp that they consent for photographs of their child to be used for media and publication purposes (to include the school newsletter, school website and local media).

If you would like to withdraw consent you may do so at any time via the Parent App.

Consent to administer over-the-counter medicines   

The school holds a stock of over-the-counter medicines that are used to control symptoms such as fever, pain and hay fever. This will include paracetamol syrup (‘Calpol’), ibuprofen syrup (‘Nurofen’), and antihistamines.  Any dose given to a pupil will be determined by their age and a member of staff will supervise the pupil taking the medication.

REQUEST FOR CONSENT: To expedite the treatment of any minor ailments your child may present whilst in school, we ask parents/carers to consent in advance using ParentApp.   By providing consent on Parentapp you are giving permission for Reigate Priory School staff to administer medicine in accordance with the school policy (LINK)

If you would like to withdraw consent you may do so at any time via the Parent App.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Jenna Cheesman, Health and Welfare Assistant via

Consent for emergency use of Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (‘epipen’) in schools

The 2017 Amendment of the Human Medicines Regulations allows schools to obtain, without a prescription, adrenaline auto-injector devices for use in emergencies. The use of this adrenaline auto-injector is restricted to those who: 

  • have written consent from a parent/carer 
  • have already been prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector
  • or the pupil’s prescribed adrenaline auto-injector is not available (for example, because it is broken, out-of-date, or has misfired).

Reigate Priory Junior School have purchased an adrenaline auto-injector available for use in such an emergency.

REQUEST FOR CONSENT: If your child suffers from allergies and may be at risk of anaphylaxis, you may wish to consent for us to administer the emergency adrenaline auto-injector should the need arise when in school, on a day trip or school residential via ParentApp.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Jenna Cheesman, Health and Welfare Assistant via

Consent for emergency use of emergency inhaler

The 2014 Amendment of the Human Medicines Regulations allows schools to keep a Salbutamol Inhaler for use in emergencies. The use of this inhaler is restricted to those who: 

  • have consent from a parent/carer 
  • have been diagnosed with asthma 
  • have already been prescribed an inhaler and
  • pupil’s prescribed inhaler is not available (for example, because it is broken, or empty).

Reigate Priory Junior School have now purchased a Salbutamol inhaler available for use in such an emergency. We therefore require your consent, if your child has been diagnosed with asthma, for us to administer this should the need arise when in school/on a day trip/school residential.

REQUEST FOR CONSENT: If your child suffers from asthma you may wish to consent for us to administer the emergency adrenaline auto-injector should the need arise when in school, on a day trip or school residential via ParentApp.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Jenna Cheesman, Health and Welfare Assistant via