Welcome from the Headteacher
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Reigate Priory School.
Virtual Tour of Reigate Priory School - Bringing Learning to Life Inside and Out
At the heart of our learning community is an ethos that places children at the very centre of everything we do and one that recognises the importance of and strives to develop all aspects of your child.
Yes, we do have high academic standards, but we know children need to feel safe, secure and enjoy a rich and diverse range of experiences in a caring and respectful atmosphere to achieve this.
Our enthusiastic teachers deliver an innovative, and genuinely broad and balanced curriculum. This, when combined with extensive extra-curricular opportunities and an exemplary outdoor education programme creates a stimulating learning environment where your child can flourish.
We view education as a joint venture involving your child, you, the school, its Governors and our local community. Everyone at Reigate Priory plays an important role and is proud of our school and its achievements.
Please explore and use this website to discover more about our school. To get a real sense, contact us to arrange a appointment and come and visit to get the real feel and flavour of what 'Proud to be Priory' is all about.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. O. Moses