Further Documentation:
Year 3 MFL Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 MFL Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 MFL Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 MFL Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 MFL Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 MFL Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 MFL Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 MFL Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 MFL Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 MFL Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 MFL Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 MFL Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
The aim of our MFL Curriculum is to:
- Develop a positive attitude to language learning
- Develop an understanding of cultural differences and appreciation of intercultural communication
- Develop metacognition skills by learning how to learn a language so that this can be built upon in future learning
- Understand basic terminology and make links between first and learned language, including developing their vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and phonetical awareness through speaking, listening, reading and writing
Subject Leader - Mrs J. Dean
At Reigate Priory, our curriculum is founded upon the Primary Languages Network Scheme of Work to structure our learning progression and personalise this to our context. We use a range of concrete and digital resources to ensure that all four skills areas are directly taught adding material relevant to our school. MFL teaching is taught discretely but opportunities for enhanced cross-curricular learning are embraced. We believe the best learning comes from first-hand experience and contextual learning. Therefore MFL is taught using a variety of methods including storytelling, singing, rhymes and authentic video clips of life in France using the language in its authentic context..
Children are assessed using end point activities from the Primary Language Network. We use self-assessment for children to reflect upon and monitor their own progress. This enables children to identify what they know and understand and need to learn further in order to make progress. Learning Benchmarking informs teacher assessment and planning as well as end of year assessment judgements and reports to parents.
Contribution to SMSC and British Values:
- Social - Development of social skills through communicating with others
- Spiritual - Love of language and an appreciation of how diverse the world is
- Cultural - Cross-cultural appreciation of art, music, literature, inventions and traditions
- Tolerance and Mutual Respect - Learning another language helps foster an understanding of the challenges other people may face in learning a second language.
- Democracy and Rule of Law - Comparisons between democracy and law in Britain and France
At the end of the Key Stage a Reigate Priory MFL Learner can:
- Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by confidently joining in and responding
- Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and Respond to those of others
- Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing
- Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences, and express ideas