Further Documentation:
RE Long Term Planning
Year 3 RE Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 RE Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 RE Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 RE Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 RE Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 RE Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 RE Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 RE Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 RE Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 RE Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 RE Spring Term Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 RE Summer Term Knowledge Organiser
The Surrey Syllabus for Religious Education aims to enable pupils to:
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the nature of worldviews and the important contribution of religion and belief, spiritual insights and values to the individual’s search for meaning in life
- Recognise that someone’s worldview, including their own, can be influenced by many factors and is an intrinsic part of how they view the world
- Develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, and of the other principal religions and beliefs represented in Great Britain, through their history, contemporary diverse expressions and encountering peoples’ lived experience
- Develop interest in and enthusiasm for the study of worldviews and enhance their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
- Develop the ability to make reasoned, informed and creative responses to religious and moral issues
- Recognise the influence of beliefs, values and traditions on the individual, on culture and on communities throughout the world
Alongside these stated aims, Reigate Priory believes that Religious Education should:
- Demonstrate to children that religions are living faiths operating within their local, national and global community
- Prepare children for life in modern Britain by developing a respect and sensitivity to people of all faiths and none
- Support children to develop a confident spiritual and cultural identity of their own
Teaching and Learning:
At Reigate Priory, we have adapted the Agreed Surrey Syllabus into a personalised Scheme of Work for our school and context. Religions studied are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism and the worldview of Humanists.
We believe the best learning comes from first-hand experience. Therefore R.E is taught using a variety of methods including storytelling, examining photographs and paintings, listening to personal testimonies, the arts, handling artefacts, visits to places of worship (both actual and virtual) and, where possible, visits from believers. R.E teaching can be integrated into a topic or taught discretely.
We use End Point activities or “Knowledge Catchers” to capture children’s learning and progress. Learning Benchmarking informs teacher assessment and planning as well as end of year assessment judgments recorded in written report to parents.
Contribution to SMSC and British Values:
- Learning how modern believers follow the major World faiths as well as developing an understanding of Humanism.
- Visits to a Mandir, church and a Mosque as well as visits from local leaders of faith such as a local vicar and rabbi.
- Marking of key events such as Harvest, Divali, Christmas, Hannukah, Easter, Ramadan, Holi.
- Considering moral questions raised by modern life and faith teachings
At the end of the Key Stage, a Reigate Priory R.E Learner can:
- Describe the key beliefs and practices of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism and the key features of the worldview of Humanists
- Describe and suggest meanings for the range of forms of expression used by believers and explain their importance to different communities
- Identify connections between beliefs, values, practices and ways of life
- Describe the impact of beliefs and practices for different people
- Explain how sources of inspiration and influence make a difference to themselves and others
- Develop insights of their own in exploring questions raised by the study of religions and beliefs, relating to their own personal worldview
- Have a respect and tolerance for those of all faiths and worldviews
Subject Leader - Mrs J. Dean