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Posted on: 13/09/2024

PROUD TO BE PRIORY - Highlight of the Week - Friday, 13th September 2024

It was a pleasure to visit Year 6 Hobbies Day on Thursday and see the myriad of talents and interests that our children display. Alongside more traditional hobbies such as baking, sport and art it was pleasing to see more unusual hobbies such as model railways, computer coding and paddle boarding. All the children should be highly commended for the effort they put into their displays and the clear enthusiastic way they demonstrated their passions to parents and children over the day. Well done Year 6!

All of our children have now successfully completed their Bonding Days. This unique Priory experience is always a favourite, whatever the weather and everyone enjoyed getting to know each other and working to solve challenges and problems together.#

Hobbies Day





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