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Posted on: 27/04/2020

Update from Mr Moses and Learning at Home - w/b 27/04/20

Parentmail sent by Mr Moses 25/04/20

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope this finds you and your families in continued good health – the ongoing sunny weather is definitely helping!

Learning at Home Update
We continue to refine the process of sharing the Learning at Home with you and am pleased that we are in a position to bring it to you over the weekend before your child’s ‘school week’. I hope this will allow you all a little extra time to review it and prepare to best support your learner.

We will endeavour to maintain this as best we can and have it available to you by lunchtime on Sunday if not before. Obviously, with these unprecedented times there may sometimes when delays are possible so your understanding is appreciated should this occur.

The new suite of Learning at Home is  available on your child's Year Group Learning Page of the school website.

Learning at Home Workbooks
It is possible that some children might be moving towards the end of their Learning at Home Workbook. Unfortunately, it is not going to be possible to provide you with a replacement going forward so it is worth thinking about what your child will do when they finish. Ideas to help include:

  • Stick to just recording answers and jottings will help to make the workbook last longer – sheets or other work can be neatly organised into a folder as they do not need to be stuck in.
  • If you have access to one, work can be completed and saved on a computer or tablet.
  • Start a ‘Learning Wall’ and have it up on display – great to celebrate achievement and keep it all in your child’s mind’s eye.
  • Purchase a new one – children love a bit of decorative stationary! Jump online or drop one in the trolley on your next trip to the supermarket.
  • Staple or clip together a collection of plain paper and have your child create their own. Have them design their front cover and maintain a contents page. Complete ownership can do wonders for maintaining engagement!

A Pat on the Back!
I touched upon in my email last week, I want to recognise the great job you are all doing in supporting your learners at home – I and all the teachers are very thankful for the time and effort you are putting in! I can assure you that with 1.5 and 3.5 year old plus a wife who is also a keyworker, I recognise, like many of my staff, how tricky working from home is and how things can sometimes not go to plan. What is being asked of parents across the country is not an easy task and doing the best you can is all you can do. Be assured that anything you are doing is of benefit and will help you child – they may not realise it but we do definitely know how brilliant your help is for them!

Be aware, that without a clear end in sight and an increasing number of weeks behind us that your child will ebb and flow in their engagement. Indeed your own energy may do the same thing which is only natural and will be happening in homes all over Reigate and the rest of the country. Try to keep up the routine, support and celebration of achievement as this will help. To contribute, we will be introducing various ‘upgrades’ like the recent one for maths, to aid in maintaining engagement so watch this space – some of them could be Priory ‘firsts’.


The writing and one other learning task as highlighted on the weekly overview (it will normally be the topic task) should be emailed directly to your child's class email address as given on their Year Group Learning page on the school website. Please do not send your child's learning via the info@ administration address.

Be Well!


Mr Moses



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