
Parental Donations

Parents are invited to make annual/regular donations to our school fund.  The funds will be used to maintain teaching and resources, improve our school facilities, and continue to provide learning experiences for Priory pupils.

The suggested amount is £30 per child per term, however larger or smaller donations are equally welcome. 

Donations can be made termly or annually via WisePay.  If you are able to make an annual donation, this would help to minimise our transaction charges and therefore generate more income for the school.

* In time, we are hoping to be able to claim Gift Aid on donations.  If you are eligible to Gift Aid your donation, this will enable us to claim back 25p for every £1 you donate, making your money go even further.

The chart below shows how your termly donations could generate over £50,000 per year for the school.

Termly Gift Amount % of Pupils (based on 600 total) Amount Per Year Gift Aid* Annual Total
£50 10% £9,000 £2,250 £11,250
£30 60% £32,400 £8,100 £40,500
£15 5% £1,350 £337.50 £1,687.50
Totals 75% £42,750 £10,687.50 £53,437.50

How to make a payment

To make a payment, please visit WisePay and follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the school website -
  • Scroll down and click on the WisePay logo
  • Enter your child’s Username and Password
  • Click on the Donations icon followed by Parental Donations
  • Select one of the Suggested Amounts or enter your Own Amount you wish to pay
  • Click Purchase and remember to Checkout.